Internet Marketing

How many times have you heard about the record industry tanking & losing hold of the grip its had for so long? Better yet what about C.D.'s that are going to become extinct like cassette tapes & VHS. So, Where is the market going? The internet is the answer. Just look at how iTunes & other digital retailers have exploded with releases that are available for everyone to purchase all over the world! Therefore bringing forth the new age of internet marketing and viral campaigns! Look at all the sensations that have been discovered via the internet! I mean let's get real folk the wave of internet marketing is here! Social networking through Facebook, Myspace, Bebo & Twitter along with a little YouTube and you're on the path to success pending if the music is halfway decent. So, Those of you who are starting off small in music have no fear! Be encouraged, utilize these platforms to the best of your ability get heard & get seen! Watch what is going to happen! I can't wait to write about your stories!!

Best Regards


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